Adieu meine liebe Schweiz
Published Sunday December 19th, 2004

Today was it. Today was the last day. Today was a hard day.

I woke up at 15 minutes before 11.00 and by 11.10 I was at Sommers residence. Shortly after me everyone else related directly to my Sommer grandparents showed up with the exception of my sisters and dad who are in the U.S.A. My grandfather
Posted by Margret @ 21:07, December 22, 2004
Thank you Marco for letting us be Part of your half year in Switzerland, France, Germany and Greece! 400 Entry's how awsome! It was fun to read. CH is allways waiting for you!!!!! That Country is so old, it know's how to wait and not change to fast. You have grown into a great young men, this half Year came at the perfect time in your live. I wish you a good start at Brooks Institut, Marco!