Nothing much new...
Published Wednesday October 3rd, 2001

Well then, it's wednesday evening... little less then 2 hours away from thursday, hence 48 something hours till saturday... There is a stupid moth that somehow got into the house hoverng around my screen and its very annoying... Anyways... Hm, my shoutcast stream has been very busy today, it was full most of today when i checked.... thats cool.. haha, and has had more hits lately then usual... 30 a day? geesh.. who cares about me that much? 30 hits a day and only 5 of them are me... geesh... Oh well! thats cool! i hope i can drive traffic to Lister once its ready, and hopefully visitors will create accounts and keep coming back... that would be good... Hm, nothing interesting happened today.. during 6th period there was a false alarm emergency bell that went off... how spiffy... waste class time! excellent! hm... when i got home from school, i drove the last bit on my street (its a long street mind you!) and... then.. i went on the computer and.. did my usual things.... check email, turn on music... and then.. today i had homework that i wasnt able to do in school... so i did that.... i had to do a bio lab h write up.... and create a "creative cover" oh my.. so i drew a Mr. Microscope Man and some dude.. with flash 4.... and exported it as a jpeg and then.. walla! uhh.. lol, i dont get much more creatvie then that! lol... Hm, once i finish Lister off, i have decided to pause programing from my things i should do list, to bring forth more time for 3d animation... ooooo.. i wana become a 3d animation pro.. and make spiffy 3d animated cartoons and stills... but it takes a lot of time.. and i dont have time because school sucks 8 hours of my day, and when i have school, the other hours r spent sleeping, or just, doing nothing because school has totally demotivated me.... anyways.. yea.. 3d animation is what i want to focus on... and also, mastering my synthesizer and making some GOOD music! ehh, dang school!!! grrrr... i wish i could pause time.. and.. just... do everything i wanted to get done.... and then unpause.. and let all that crap come that wastes my time... grr! well then.. off to bed with me!