a post from hell-...uhh school
Published Tuesday November 20th, 2001

hm.. well then.. how about another news post... ey? heh... hm.. soo.. whats new ya ask? well.. it loks as though i and a friend of mine are about to make some kind of internet game type thing... this would be cool if it became suucessfull and hopefully with enought determination, it will come to be! Image Tennis Online, or ITOnline, is the name... and.. well.. its really cool.. check out the site for more information (however, recognize that we are still building the system in which you'll be able to play the game and the site itself) the site is www.itonline.luethy.net... hm.. rigth now im at school.. and. uh.. its lunch. hm.. its quite chilly outside.. but.. alas.. im inside.. in a room with a whole bunch of computers and fans generating a lovely warming atmoshpere... ah,so nice.. hm.. anyways.. hm.. oh! last sunday my dad went on a busines trip to germany.. hmph.. and.. then.. once he's done with the buisiness part, hes gona go to switzerland and visit relatives.. hmph.. i want to go to switzerland! hmph! not fair.. heh.. oh.. well.. iguess.. =\\ hm.. anyways.. yea... splendid.. anyways.. hm. im gona do soemthing else now... hm.. yup. till next post...