Published Tuesday July 31st, 2001
Hmm.... welp... right now im sitting here on my grandparents[dads] computer listening to the cds i bougth yesterday... hmm... and my cd player wont play trakes after trak 16-18 or so.. and.. soo..im ripping the cds to my nomad jukebox mp3 player... so i can play em all at once and be much easier to work with. then. al these danged cd cases... woohoo!! ok.. my grandma[dads] is now waking my sleeping grandfather[dads] lol.. hmm.. ok, soo.. today... im heading on over to my other grandparents[moms] where ill be sleeping till the 12th, except on wednesday evening when il be sleeping here again so i can get up and go to Tessin with my grandpa[dads] in the morning of thursday... and on thursday ill be sleeping in a fine hotel in southern CH in an area called Tessin... bordering italy.... sometime on thursday ill be in italy... yup... that wil be fun.. but till then.. today, as i said.. im mocing over to my other grandparents[moms] where my cousins also are.. soo. yea.. they have a computer w/ internet access too.. so... i should be online or... atleast posting news posts occaionaly.... mayber even tonigt. i dunno.. we`ll see... hmm. yup... then morrow on wednesday it will be august 1st, CHs independance day... im going with my cousins on a hill to light a big bon fire and launch stuf finto the air that goes bang and so forth... there will also be other ppl there that my cousins know.... yup yup.. that wil be 1st of august.. yey! then.. in the evening.. ill return to my grandparents[dads]... it will probably be late so ill just sorta walkin and go to bed.... since they gave me a key.. ok.. welp.... desert time.... ta ta, till next post...
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Hmm.... welp... right now im sitting here on my grandparents[dads] computer listening to the cds i bougth yesterday... hmm... and my cd player wont play trakes after trak 16-18 or so.. and.. soo..im ripping the cds to my nomad jukebox mp3 player... so i can play em all at once and be much easier to work with. then. al these danged cd cases... woohoo!! ok.. my grandma[dads] is now waking my sleeping grandfather[dads] lol.. hmm.. ok, soo.. today... im heading on over to my other grandparents[moms] where ill be sleeping till the 12th, except on wednesday evening when il be sleeping here again so i can get up and go to Tessin with my grandpa[dads] in the morning of thursday... and on thursday ill be sleeping in a fine hotel in southern CH in an area called Tessin... bordering italy.... sometime on thursday ill be in italy... yup... that wil be fun.. but till then.. today, as i said.. im mocing over to my other grandparents[moms] where my cousins also are.. soo. yea.. they have a computer w/ internet access too.. so... i should be online or... atleast posting news posts occaionaly.... mayber even tonigt. i dunno.. we`ll see... hmm. yup... then morrow on wednesday it will be august 1st, CHs independance day... im going with my cousins on a hill to light a big bon fire and launch stuf finto the air that goes bang and so forth... there will also be other ppl there that my cousins know.... yup yup.. that wil be 1st of august.. yey! then.. in the evening.. ill return to my grandparents[dads]... it will probably be late so ill just sorta walkin and go to bed.... since they gave me a key.. ok.. welp.... desert time.... ta ta, till next post...