oh my...
Published Sunday September 9th, 2001

my oh my.... what a week..... namely... it sucked.... i hope next week goes better... Anyways, i wont get into the details on why it sucked... but. anyways.. hmm..... I havent coded in too long of a time.... im finding myself slowly deprived.... agh! school sucking away 7 hrs of my day.... and then.. other vaious things sucking away more time... baaah... I miss programming as a smoker misses his cigarette... im adddicted.. i need my code... baaah... anyways.. hm... yesterday.. or.. wait.. 2 days ago. i went to my friends house.. and.. slept there... then. yup.... yesterday... was mostly a blur... i slept most of yesterday, then i woke up towards the evening.... and, now its early morning... and.. im sitting here... hopeing that today wont suck.... i hope this week goes better then last... and if it doesnt, im just going to say, "Screw it, it's time to code!" and then all will be well.. or, in my little world, anyways... hmm.... I joined 0 period at my school.. to get more credits.. so i can leave earlier... and then... maybe code more or something? oh, yea.. thats right-no... oh-well... Hm, well, then... nothing much new... havent been many posts lately, ey? i havent really had time.... hm, and right now i feel like puking... maybe it was something i ate.. or.. the fact that i havent aten in a while... already 0230.... fun.... i have a headache.. i think ill go to bed... oh! no early morning coding for marco!... yet again.. dang school! grrr... that place makes my life not so cool.... oh-well, i'll just remember summer... and, then.. dream about next summer... and now.. my headache is really starting to piss me off... hm... okie dokie.... anyways.. hm.. what other useless type information could i type here for no real reasons, for no one will actually read this..? hm... ok, so.. like.. a few minutes ago i finished watching "Unbreakable" a movie.. and.. yea... i liked it, it was coool.... hm.. and, now i seek more wabble jabble in my mind to turn into text, and paste here.. yes, here.. here into this dot filled news post... my oh my.. i do like my dots! fun fun fun.. anyways, um, lets see here... ok, i think ill just say that im done before this gets any lamer and sader... whaddya say? okie dokie! till next time!