mb kaputt...
Published Sunday January 13th, 2002

well well well.. how aboout another news post... ey? not that there is really a point... but at the moment i am downstairs on my server, and... quite bored. Sooo, i built my new computer, and... yea.. wonderfull it would be if it worked. It's apperent that my moterboard is not functional. Or, something along those lines is not working. UGH... i want my new computer *sob*. ohwell... ill get it working sooner or later... replace the motherboard or fix it.... or whatnot, whichever. hm.. well then.. yesterday my dad went flying in a small plane with his friend (which then, with his wife, came over for dinner) and he took pictures. Check them out by clicking here. Hm, well then... Oh! I, with a friend of mine, Chris signed up for a C programming class over at Moorpark College, and so last friday we went to our first class. It totally kicked ass! It is now my favourite educational class... I learned more in that one 3 hour class, last friday, then i have all year in any of my conventional highschool classes... Hm, well then... All very exciting.. oh yes.. now.. i wish my new computer worked. hmph! Ohwell.. hm.. ugh... tomorrow.. school.. again.. aaargh... ill go to bed at 12 tonight and then ill be half awake in school tomorrow, yes... that sounds like fun... Hm, alrighty then.. off i go...