Laa dee doo
Published Monday April 15th, 2002

Well then... a few things new... well then... its quite late, so as soon as i finish typing this, its off to bed with me! Hrm, well then.. Epiar 0.16 is on its way to the public (soon enought, or so we hope) ince this happens, all will be well and then work will continue of course... Hrm, yes.. quite a number of changes between 0.15 and 0.16... both seeable and behind the scenes... you'll have to readup on the changelog to see exactly what, though. hrm, 2 days ago or something.. saturday i went with my friends, Chris and Adam to see 2 movies.... The first one was Changing Lanes with samuel jackson.. that... was an okay movie.. but.. a bit cheesy.. and... kind of odd at some parts... and then the second movie, Panic Room.... chris wrote a review on panic room, and you can read it by clicking here. I agree with his review, so.. yea theres my opinion in his...
Hrm.. yes, well then.... yesterday i finally got a song that i've been trying to get for about a year now! YES! Havana - Solid Edge.. such a cool song.. i have it now.. im happy... yess! hrm, tomorrow will suck as i have school again... UGH.. shoot me please.. hate that place... grrr Hrm..*listens to music* lalalalalalalalalalalalalala, i love music.. lalalalala...
anyways... hrm, today was kind of slow, peaceful and i was very much content.... it was nice.. in the evening i had nothing much which i felt like doing and so chris and i played a game of freeciv while mike was unable to humor me because he was at church... All very exciting, is it not? I surely believe so! hrm, well then... in about a week.... SAT test.. great... a weeks worth of wasting time taken to the max... geesh.... ugh.. well then... Oh! wondering about all these cow pictures? ah! yes, arent they great! i sure thing so! They're from those california its the cheese commercials... everytime i seee one of them on.. i just snap away taking as many snapshots as i can.. hahahaha, so great... soon ill have all the frames to the commercials... wont that be quite hummoring.... i sure believe so.... Hrm, alrighty then.. i think thats about it... yes? have i forgoten to mention something? hrm.. i dont think i have! wow... the sky is.... currently black.... exciting? no? indeed! okie dokie.... thats it for today...