Long time since last entry!
Published Monday December 1st, 2003

Wow.... Its been a while since ive made a posting..mainly because ive been sick and when i wasnt sick i was busy and not at home, or not the least bit motivated to write about everything since it's been so long (and keeps becoming longer and longer, thus why i am writing).... Yea... Heh.. i wonder how many things i will leave out....

Yea, well then... since i last posted.. i belive... was a normal week... ?... Anyways.. we'll start at where i remember.... Kates birthday was on the 20th, which was a Friday... This happens to also be Mikes birthday.. and..w ell.. whaddya know.. we all went to Fridays and ate dinner there paid for by Kates and Mikes parents... Quite generous and i thank them for my dinner. Heh... Anyways... We went to kates house after and hung out... some of us played on the game cube.. the rest of us sat around and chatted...

That saturday, the 21st I took kate out.. We went to the mall and i bought some clothes... later on in the evening, i took kate out to dinner at Le Petit down at the channel island harbour... This was what i was getting kate for her bday.. a nice romantic/cozy dinner... heh.. yep... We both had duck.. was very good....

Later that night i started feeling sickly and the following morning i had a soar throat.. wooo.. i slept for a good part of the day and played the not feelng good game... Didn't go to school the following day, Monday.. sat around at home instead.. slept... watched 6 hours or so of History Channel all about submarines.. quite interesting.. lol...

Tuesday i went to school.. didnt feel particularly great.. but went anyway..... I didnt really have a voice, it was rather scratchy and.. yea... anyways.. my government group FINALLY did our presentation after we took some test... after 3 weeks or something.. wow.. what a joke... I more or less winged my presentation, just made up a spiel as i went along.. drew some stuff on the board as it came to mind and.. when i turned around i found mr flynn, the teacher... nodding and agreeing with the bullshit spewing out of my mouth, so encouraged i continued.. and.. finished right as the bell rang, walked out and avoided any questions he might have had. booyea!... Lol...

That night i ate something or maybe it was the cold medecin or something that disgruntled my stomach and after about 3 hours of uncomfortable feel of needing to barf, i finally did at around 0100 in the morning... lovely it was.... just a whole lot of liquid... i dont tend to eat a whole lot when im sick, and i believe i lost some weight during my little sick-time... I didnt go to school on wednesday, which was also Andreas birthday... We sat around in the morning and watched tv, heh.. good sister-brother time, i suppose... Didnt really do anything that day...

Thursday was the infamous american Thanksgiving day.. we didnt really do much for that.. had a chicken, fed Anna some of the particular thanksgiving day edibles, as well as the 2 music students.. heh.. they also had a friend of theirs from the same school with them.. also form Bern, Switzerland.. so that was cool... more the marrier.. lol...

Later that evening i went to mikes house and we sync'd some media files... played gamecube, talked.. Kate came over later... was nice... oh!! i forgot something... rewind.. rewind...

Rewind back to Monday before thanksgiving, the day i stayed home from school, sick... Tyson came over in the evening and brought his beautiful Canon EOS-10D ... beautiful SLR camera which i have been looking at.. or.. cameras similar to, to get myself... he let me borrow it for a few days.. i didnt want to give it back to him wednesday when he came to pick it up again....

Just one photo i took with the camera.. its beautiful.. you can control everything about the photo you take... mmmmm... mmmm... mmm!!!... its a very very nice camera to say the least... lovely lenses available for it too.. oh... man.. very nice...

Heh.. anyways... back to my life's events which i question why you're reading because they're really not all that fascinating or interesting.... really.. i insist.. oh well.... oh! one general observation id like to share...

Dont those photos all look somewhat unrealistic.. i love it.. heh... they're all.. so.. sureal.. something out a dream.. or... some fantasy land... mmmm.. lovely lovely, i like it... heh... anyways.. yea.. that was my outburts... and .. now.. . i... must go print out some stuff for stupid school tomorrow.. ... and.. sparknotes..... bwah..... Heh... adam just reminded me about the existance of cliff notes.. i cant believe i forgot all about them... one of the most valuable methods of not doing your homework and still performing well in class.... wow.... heh.. guess i just havent really had a need for them untill now... when while reading Hamlet in english.. boooring btw.... Yeh... anyways... thats taken care off... I belive i shall resume my story telling now.....

Sooo, with my day of absence froms chool wednesday, i had a lovely 5 day weekend (which unfortunately is comming to a close.. ugh)... resuming now... Friday... Friday my family went out and hiked or something... I stayed home and later in the day went out with mike and grant... we drove around... and then ate dinner at some chinese restaurant in westlake... was very good... mmmm... We then went back to mikes house where grant and i found we could beat mike by being cheap in Mario Kart or whatever for the game cube... was hilarious watching mike get beat over and over and seeing his disapproval.. lol... he did win some of the time, though.. lol... Grant and i laughed our asses off though.. because it was so cheap... yet so hilarious the way we won.. lol... ... yea... anyways.. that whole thing there probably only makes sence to the people who were there.. lol.. oh well....

Friday night mike and i watched Tomb Raider 2... ... Saturday kate came over here (she was in las vegas on Friday)... and.. we hung out here all day.. watched a movie, Fargo... was nice and calm, peaceful... that night, mike and i watched old school.. lol.... I say we watched in the way that... we both had the movie and we just synced the playing time... so esentially we both watched the movie togheter, made commentary online ... lol, we do it a lot... lotta fun... heh...yea....

Sunday, i again hung out with kate, this time at her house.. lol, fun fun, no less. However, all day long i had the looming knowledge of knowing that i have to go to school tomorrow... err.. or rather..today.. in 6 and a half hours... ugh.. not looking forward to that... me hates school.. hates it. I hate the anticipation of sunday's... always of school... heh.. its especially bad after a 5 day weekend.. heh... At least we have aminimum day this wednesday... hopefully that'll make things go a bit faster .. 3 weeks untill winter vacation.. i cant wait... not going to school is most excellent.. Heh....

On another note.. bought 2 cd's tonight on amazon.com.... dangerous... 1-click purchasing on amazon.com.. lol.. highly convenient too.. lol... Yea.... well then...

Soo anyway.... i have narrowed down my senior quote to the following:

I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting.
- Mark Twain

To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep.
- Joan Klempner

However.. i am not yet sure which one to use, and.. they're due tomorrow... hrm.. hrm.. hrm... i guess ill make up my mind now and.. write it down on the paper... heh... okie.. lets see... they're both about sleep, and i love sleep.. sleep is good.. i do a lot of sleeping as well.. so.. thats why it came down to these 2 out of... at least a list of 25... The first one is applicable because.. well.. i surely dont excercise any... the 2nd... has to do with lazyness and... impossibilities.. and... dreaming... and.. all of which also apply to me... and thus i am torn... yeh... and... magic 8 ball it is! 8ball.html ... and the verdict is the 2nd one.. alright then.. *writes it down on the paper thingo due tomorrow*... alrighty thats done.. and.. im not quite sure why i am writing all this down.. probably in an attempt to make this posting extremely long and possibly very boring.. lol...

On another note... an internet friend of mine made a funny blog posting, read it here.... and now how about some various quotes about current event that piss me of.. like.. SCO!!!! whooo!! DIE.

"God invented SCO to give people a company to hate more than Microsoft."

"... And Microsoft, which has been accused of conniving with SCO in its march against Linux, is slated to enter the search market and compete against Google." http://www.linuxworld.com/story/38045.htm

Argh.. i hate SCO.. i also hate Microsoft... but right now.. i hate SCO more.. SCO is so stupid! argh... yea.. okay.. this babble and ramble i am putting forth with this text is pointless... thus, let us stop and move onto something different, ey? yes. yes, what a good idea, marco.

Anyways.... Overall.. its been a good past few days of no school... even though the persistant cough i have has been driving me insane and i do wish it to go away ( at least i dont have a soar throat anymore.).. heh. yea.... well then.... I think thats about as much as i have to say for now.. ey?.. yea... yea i guess this'll do it.. its quite late anyway and i should probably get some sleep.... night.