Kolega: Viva la Moudi, ricardo-style!
Published Monday September 27th, 2004

A day has already passed since returning to Switzerland from southern France.. Here, the weather is more or less the complete opposite of what it was in La Grande Motte. But, that's okay by me! I like rain and dark grey clouds!

Last Friday was a more relaxed day. Laid around at the beach a bit, took some photographs of La Grande Motte, but nothing much special. That, and I can't quite recall what all I did. Heh. Saturday was a much more eventful day. After getting up at around 08.30 we checked out of our apartments at around 09.00. We stored our baggage in a closet room and went and had breakfast at a cafe. With everyone this time, we went back to the town with the long city walls called Aigues Mortes with a local bus. Here, we went around from store to store shopping and browsing. I took a lot of photographs, but none which turned out to be very useful beyond just being a picture. I had a crepe for lunch filled with Nutella. Ha ha. In some liquor store I found Absinthe. That was amusing.

It was interesting to be in a confined space with a lot of tourists around. One sees the same people over and over again at various stages of their day. Its interesting to observe the changes or the lack of changes in the peoples visual personalities. I stood around frequently and just watched people and my surroundings. I love doing this. Around 6 hours after arriving, we departed again with the bus back to La Grande Motte after watching some people play Borcha by the bus station.

We went and had dinner after sunset in a restaurant where I ate shrimp and then a fish. Was yummy. With dinner and good times had, we headed back to get our luggage just in time to catch the receptionists closing. After some waiting our bus arrived to pick us up and we loaded our things and began our 10 hour journey back to Switzerland, travelling through the night. I had two seats to myself and I found many various ways to utilise this space. Laying on my back, legs crossed in the air, on my stomach with legs who knows where.. on my side, on my other side. Many different positions in which I took little naps until we reached Switzerland. Somewhere between Geneva and Lausanne we ate breakfast at a rest-stop. Another few hours and we reached Bern where we switched buses. We reached the end of our bus trip and were picked up. Soon I was back with my grandparents in their flat. The rest of Sunday was more or less just a blur. From noon until 18.00 I slept. In the evening I went on the Internet.

Today, after getting up at around noon and having lunch I more or less sat around all afternoon. I typed up the entries I wrote while in France, and now here I am! Woo! Time to find some photos to share. I think I'll make a new entry for them.