Just To Write Ramble
Published Monday December 11th, 2006

I've just finished writing my research/term paper for my English class. With its conclusion I am left with nothing more to do for this semester. All I've to do now is show up to 4 more classes, fill in some bubbles, and write some words. After the coming Thursday at (I estimate) 10:30, I will be finished with this semester of schooling and my winter vacation of working full-time will begin. Oh joy, oh joy! (I keep telling myself how much money I'll make working full-time and it's much easier.) (I find it somewhat repulsive that I am so driven or motivated to go to work purely for profit's sake.) (I justify it by telling myself I am saving up all the money I earn to travel.) (This is most likely true and a valid justification.) (Or so I will continue telling myself.)

I've already picked out, registered, and paid for my classes next semester. My schedule for next semester, including work, will go something like so:
  • Monday
    • 09:00 - 18:00 - Work

  • Tuesday
    • 09:00 - 14:00 - Work
    • 15:00 - 16:50 - Music M01
    • 18:00 - 21:50 - Class Piano M25B

  • Wednesday
    • 09:00 - 18:00 - Work

  • Thursday
    • 09:00 - 14:00 - Work
    • 15:00 - 16:50 - Music M01
    • 19:00 - 21:50 - English M01B

  • Friday
    • 09:00 - 18:00 - Work

  • I'm also taking a 4 week PSY M01 video class that ends in mid-February.

A <sarcasm>daunting</sarcasm> 11 units (I'll be at Moorpark College foreverrrr.)

I just realized that my Music M01 class is a late-start and doesn't start until February. I guess I just realized that I'll be able to work full-time until February! ( $$$$$ ) (Proceeds to calculate estimated earnings.) ( $$$$$ ) My summer of 2007 shall be very interesting. Where of where shalt I travel?

Hmm.. Hmm.. Hmm.. I have a few ideas, but it's still a bit premature to spew them from my mind and make them known. Unfortunately work is a sort of win-lose situation. It's fantastic for cash. It sucks a lot for free-time/vacation. I don't want to dish out $1,000 for a flight somewhere and then only stay for a week or two. Perhaps, and most likely, I am being rather unrealistic about how long I prefer to take-leave in a business/working world. Laaaame. One thing I can say for sure is that once I graduate and I've worked for a year or two and amassed a pile of cash, I am taking at least half of a year off and going far far away for a long long time. Hmm.. Hmm.. Hmm..

What a ramblie/selfish/-absorbed/pointless entry this has become. Unfortunately I do not have time to turn it into anything more (or less) as I should (and shall) go to bed. Last full day of school awaits.
Posted by xiphias @ 13:18, December 12, 2006
I vote for visiting the Wall of China, preferrably starting out from Mongolia.

Posted by Marco @ 15:02, December 12, 2006
Actually, that has been a possibility in the back of my mind. I really want to go to Mongolia.

Posted by chris @ 15:43, December 12, 2006
i guess i should see you before the summer of 2007, just in case you decide to stay there forever.

Posted by The fatty @ 00:40, December 17, 2006
my thoughts exactly.