Two new Prints!
Published Tuesday August 1st, 2006

Did some photography work the past few days and thusly I have new prints to share with the world! Can't say I've done anything quite like these prints in the past. I rather like them. Simple, modern, clean and sleek. Not a lot of emotion, but the lack of makes it even more appealing to me. They remind me particularly of turn of the 20th century Japanese artwork.. Simple and elegant, spring blossoms in the fresh, clear, brisk, morning air.. I took the photographs during my cousins wedding after getting bored of photographing the blurr of people around me. So here they are:

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I rather like this "style." Perhaps I'll try to do more like them. Let me know what you think! Constructive criticism always welcome. Feel free to spare me the generic applause. Buy a print if you really like them! Givvvve meee yooouuurrr monnniiiesssss!!
Posted by The fatty @ 23:28, August 01, 2006
No. Constructive...ok. The tree being so negative and cartoon like is really distracting to me. Also, perhaps the color at the top of the photos could be a bit more. *shrugs* These are more personal preferences than criticisms. However, I will give you a generic comment by saying that even with my two previous complaints, the style you have created with it is unique and intriguing nonetheless. The cartoon looking tree with the realistic fading color sky...very nice, different.

Posted by Marco @ 01:19, August 02, 2006
I'm not sure i agree with you that the trees look cartoon-ish.. It's just a silhouette. It's also supposed to be distracting-the tree is the subject.. (notice how there is nothing else in the image). I didn't make the colours in the sky more intense because I wanted a very simple and calm composition and not a vibrant joyous afair.