Mammoth Trip
Published Monday February 19th, 2007 from Camarillo, CA. Listening to Hooverphonic, feeling neutral.

A negative of being physically very active all weekend is that I now have this incredible, unstoppable appetite which is a rare thing for me, indeed! I joined my family and Daniela's boyfriend Damon on a trip to Mammoth over the weekend. Headed up Friday afternoon, we skied and Damon snowboarded. Damon and I headed off on our own a lot of the time because it was/is very unlikely to see Daniela or Andrea go down any black diamond runs any time soon.

It was an incredible, although exhausting amount of fun! It was probably the best trip up to Mammoth I've experienced. Saturday the weather was beautiful; Clear blue sky and rather warm. Sunday, the weather was perfect again. Snowed all day and constantly left the slopes filled with fresh powder. It really couldn't have been any better.

Posted by Damon @ 09:32, February 22, 2007
Last run was the best! Thanks for hanging with me.

Posted by Marco @ 23:53, February 22, 2007
No problem! That last run was intense!