My First Upload to YouTube
Published Thursday May 17th, 2007 from Camarillo, CA. Listening to Zero 7, feeling normal.

I tried to make that title as lame as I could. No, really I did.

I've been a YouTuber for quite some time, but like the majority of the sites visitors I have just been a viewer. Today, I made my first submission to that fandangled YouTube thinger that has been so popular lately. I did not really have anything to post except for a video I originally posted in a blog entry here back in May of 2005. However, I got bored (or motivated?) enough to post it. Hah!

Now I can embed it in all its glory via YouTube. (I should start Vlogging. Hahhhh!)

Posted by matt @ 19:47, May 18, 2007
haha i remember that.. i also remember dodging cars to get to that bridge for the opening shot

Posted by Chris @ 04:02, May 19, 2007
always yay for new youtuber publishers